A few short quotes taken from some opinions about
the set of ARELE Workbook:
Isidoro(Itzjkhok) Niborski
from France, pointed out: "...ARELE is educational and entertaining;
it attracts the children's attention and enhances their skills
in many ways... Furthermore, it is orthographic and idiomatically
From Canada, Peretz Miransky,
(z'l) stated: "... ARELE is a good book for beginners,
pleasant to look at and an effective method to teach Yiddish...".
Rabbi Irwin E. Witty, said: "... ARELE is a useful
addition to the available materials...... ARELE uses the direct
method of teaching, it reflects good taste, experience and sound
pedagogic judgment..."
From Australia Pinie Ringelblum pointed out:
"...It is a pleasure to look at these pictures which seem to be
asking: "take me, read me, enjoy me"...".
From the United States, Aaron Lansky wrote:
"...delightful books - charmingly illustrated...". Binyumen
Schaechter wrote: "...I could never imagine that a kid would
be attracted to a textbook like my son is attracted to your books
ARELE..." and Ellen Cassedy stated: "...I ordered a
3-volume workbook by Frida Cielak.... It is perfect for teaching
the alphabet and sounding out words; it
was at just the right level for my daughter, a total beginner..."
This last two quotes have been selected among many others from
parents that have been using or used ARELE as well, in
other parts of the world.
Children have also expressed their
own feelings: Violeta Niborski from France, -when she was
5 years old-, and Ariela Sherman from Canada, -at age 11-
both wrote: "...A dank, thank you for ARELE..."
and they mentioned their enjoyment! Teachers, like Reizl Waisser,
from Mexico City have "complained" that their pupils
greet them by saying: ARELE! ARELE! instead of saying good